The Orb of Hubris: An Autobiography

The Orb of Hubris: An Autobiography

by Zack Dante

The Orb of Hubris is a classic fear-jerker. Zack Dante a 16 year old student looking forward to the summer holidays is thrown into a vortex of horror. His life is turned upside down by a mysterious job offer and a seance that goes badly wrong. Suddenly all around him things begin to change and he can trust no one. Even his long time girlfriend is more than he first

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The Orb of Hubris is a classic fear-jerker. Zack Dante a 16 year old student looking forward to the summer holidays is thrown into a vortex of horror. His life is turned upside down by a mysterious job offer and a seance that goes badly wrong. Suddenly all around him things begin to change and he can trust no one. Even his long time girlfriend is more than he first thought and a shadow from the past comes back to haunt him.

Product Details

Grosvenor House Publishing
Publication date:
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Barnes & Noble
File size:
287 KB

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