Lucy Grealy's 'Autobiography of a Face' and A.M. Homes 'The Mistress's Daughter': Two Powerful Women on their journey through life

Lucy Grealy's 'Autobiography of a Face' and A.M. Homes 'The Mistress's Daughter': Two Powerful Women on their journey through life

by Annemarie Wendicke

Lucy Grealy's Autobiography of a Face deals with the life of Lucy Grealy, who faced
the negative consequences of terminal cancer after the partial removal of her jaw. Like Lucy
Grealy, A.M. Homes also faced the negative consequences as she was found by her
biological mother, who put her up for adoption after her birth. Both memoirs have similar… See more details below


Lucy Grealy's Autobiography of a Face deals with the life of Lucy Grealy, who faced
the negative consequences of terminal cancer after the partial removal of her jaw. Like Lucy
Grealy, A.M. Homes also faced the negative consequences as she was found by her
biological mother, who put her up for adoption after her birth. Both memoirs have similar
narrative structures and a lot in common in terms of content; however, they have significant
differences as well.


Product Details

GRIN Verlag
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254 KB

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