Blood and Alcohol: An autobiography of his life as a blood relation to a former president and his battle with alcohol

Blood and Alcohol: An autobiography of his life as a blood relation to a former president and his battle with alcohol

by Michael Stapleton

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This is a biography of my life and the lives that have touched mine as the son of veterinarian Dr. Bob Stapleton and Ruth Carter Stapleton, an evangelist and faith healer in the ’70s, and as a nephew to a former president and First Lady, Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter. It uncovers my life’s journey of my encounters with the law, the press, the death of… See more details below


This is a biography of my life and the lives that have touched mine as the son of veterinarian Dr. Bob Stapleton and Ruth Carter Stapleton, an evangelist and faith healer in the ’70s, and as a nephew to a former president and First Lady, Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter. It uncovers my life’s journey of my encounters with the law, the press, the death of my mother and grandmother, as well as the good times with visits to the White House and Camp David, the Democratic National Conventions, the Ryder Cup and Masters, and the births of my children, to finally unveiling my struggle with alcohol.

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