Autobiographies: Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass

Autobiographies: Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass

by re:Organizing America

Born over a century apart, one into poverty and the other into slavery, Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass embody the American ideals of success through hard work, vision, and freedom. At the end of their lives, both men were renowned statesmen, admired all over the world. Each is a vivid example of the endless possibilities available to free people.See more details below


Born over a century apart, one into poverty and the other into slavery, Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass embody the American ideals of success through hard work, vision, and freedom. At the end of their lives, both men were renowned statesmen, admired all over the world. Each is a vivid example of the endless possibilities available to free people.

Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.66(d)

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