Deep Scars: The Autobiography of Kaycie Davis

Deep Scars: The Autobiography of Kaycie Davis

4.5 25
by Davis Kaycie Davis

From an early age, Kaycie Davis was exposed to abusive relationships, beginning with the relationship between her mother and her father. The abuse was fueled by drinking and dictated how each day was lived in her house. As she and her sister learned how to cope with the reality of their everyday lives, she also learned how to fend for herself.

When a tragic accident

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From an early age, Kaycie Davis was exposed to abusive relationships, beginning with the relationship between her mother and her father. The abuse was fueled by drinking and dictated how each day was lived in her house. As she and her sister learned how to cope with the reality of their everyday lives, she also learned how to fend for herself.

When a tragic accident happens to her in high school, she must learn how to live again. But as her life progresses she finds herself in a series of toxic, abusive relationships with no positive options available to her. She finally meets the man of her dreams, after a short-lived first marriage, and begins a new life. Will her relationship become a positive influence in her life?

Deep Scars is the true story of the life of Kaycie Davis. She wrote it to help others who are trapped in an abusive relationship or what they believe is a hopeless situation.

Product Details

Trafford Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.16(d)

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