The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton of East Newton, Co. York

The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton of East Newton, Co. York

by Alice Thornton

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1875 Excerpt: him). I say, when my husband was then at Watlous, my cozen Dodsworth careing him into his study to looke uppon his bookes, haveing a very fine library… See more details below


This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1875 Excerpt: him). I say, when my husband was then at Watlous, my cozen Dodsworth careing him into his study to looke uppon his bookes, haveing a very fine library there, my cozen Dodsworth tould him, "Cozen, I have one little booke in my study, which is but a little manuscript--a paper booke--a copie--but I valew it above all the bookes in my library, and that is my Lord Deputy Wandesford's Booke of Advice to his son George." Uppon which my deare husband said that he had heard much of it, and a very high carecter of it, but nere had seene it, and that his wife had many times with tears lamented the losse of it extreamly, and would be overjoyed to have but a copy of it. Asking my cozen how he had it, and came by it, because the orriginall was lost many Thornton Watlass, near Bedale, co. York, where the Dodsworths have been for many generations the principal proprietors. From a younger son of this family descended Roger Dodsworth, the eminent antiquary. See Whitaker's Hut. Richmondshire, vol. ii., pp. 76-298. This John Dodsworth was oonnected with the "Wandesfords through his marriage with a Hutton of Marske. His eldest son and namesake increased the connection by marrying a daughter of Sir John Lowther. yeares agon, as I tould him; my cozen tould him the truth of it, that it was indeed writt out in Ireland by his sonn Timmothy Dodsworth, who was my Lord Deputy's servant, and one whom my lord had a peculiar kindness for, intending to make him his secretary. And when my lord had come home from the councell table, did every night, for an houer or two, write in that booke, before he went to bed. And afftcr that he was in bed, made him read in some good booke, and instructed him in it, and soe contineued till my lord was overcome with sleep, he not goeing t...

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Durham, Pub. for the Society by Andrews and Co.
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