One Life: An Autobiography of an African American Actress

One Life: An Autobiography of an African American Actress

by Ellen Holly

In 1968, as Carla on "One Life to Live", Ellen Holly exploded onto the soap opera scene, playing a mysterious black woman who had tried to pass for white. Now, in a memoir as frank and honest as it is romantic and glittering, the acclaimed actress recounts her star-crossed life and paints an affecting portrait of a talented, ambitious woman who struggled with being… See more details below


In 1968, as Carla on "One Life to Live", Ellen Holly exploded onto the soap opera scene, playing a mysterious black woman who had tried to pass for white. Now, in a memoir as frank and honest as it is romantic and glittering, the acclaimed actress recounts her star-crossed life and paints an affecting portrait of a talented, ambitious woman who struggled with being black--and sometimes, not being black enough. 8 pp. of photos. 288 pp. Author publicity.

Editorial Reviews

Jill Nelson
Unique....The book functions on many levels: a history of what Holly terms the "old black middle-class"; a chronicle of the black theatre world in New York in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s; an often grim and enraging peek at the segregated and sexist worlds of Broadway, Hollywood and TV-land; an occasionally heartbreaking tale of one woman's endlessly bad choices in men and the lengths she went to to make them right....A sense of humor that can be cutting, wickedly funny and always on the mark. -- Women's Review of Books
Sarasota Herald Tribune
A rich history of middle class black America....the heyday of Jack and Jill, the Links, Camp Atwater, the Cosmopolitan Tennis Club....Revisit the old black society....Travel to black-owned summer homes at Greenwood Lake, Sag Harbor....Read about her experiences of working with many entertainment legends of theater and Hollywood. She tells it all, including the truth about her relationships with Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier....
Ahmad Wright
A star reborn....Holly's poignant and definitive One Life weaves the glitter that is showbiz with real life pain. -- Quarterly Black Review

Product Details

Kodansha International
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.08(w) x 8.97(h) x 0.84(d)

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