The Small Object My Life in Thumbprints: An Inky Autobiography

The Small Object My Life in Thumbprints: An Inky Autobiography

by Sarah Neuburger

Crafty kids and adults too will have a blast creating their autobiography in thumbprints in this guided diary. Fill-in scenes and activity pages prompt users to capture a moment (a month in thumbprint self-portraits), record highlights (favorite trips of the year), and celebrate friends and family.See more details below


Crafty kids and adults too will have a blast creating their autobiography in thumbprints in this guided diary. Fill-in scenes and activity pages prompt users to capture a moment (a month in thumbprint self-portraits), record highlights (favorite trips of the year), and celebrate friends and family.

Product Details

Chronicle Books LLC
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.12(w) x 8.12(h) x 0.87(d)

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