More... From the Heart: Continuing the autobiography and compositions of

More... From the Heart: Continuing the autobiography and compositions of

by Helen M. Morris

In 2002, at age ninety-two, Helen Morris completed her autobiography, A Breath of Springtime. That volume included about one hundred poems written over a period of almost eighty years. No one expected her to improve upon and supplement that achievement. But she has continued to compose her thoughts to the delight of her multitude of friends and growing

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In 2002, at age ninety-two, Helen Morris completed her autobiography, A Breath of Springtime. That volume included about one hundred poems written over a period of almost eighty years. No one expected her to improve upon and supplement that achievement. But she has continued to compose her thoughts to the delight of her multitude of friends and growing family. More . . . From the Heart continues the story of her life and times, spanning âevery decade of the Twentieth Century and beyond.â This volume includes an astounding number of additional poems, some written long ago and many brand new, products of a youthful, gracious, loving nonagenarian who has made a real difference in more lives than she ever imagined.

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Xlibris Corporation
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