The Autobiography Of A Retired West Virginia State Policeman

The Autobiography Of A Retired West Virginia State Policeman

by Roy Earl Cool

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Roy Earl Cool describes his early life and school years attending public schools in Webster County, West Virginia, his service in the United States Navy during World War Two, his attempts at a college education, different jobs he held, his marriage, and his different stations and frequent transfers during his service in the West Virginia State Police. See more details below


Roy Earl Cool describes his early life and school years attending public schools in Webster County, West Virginia, his service in the United States Navy during World War Two, his attempts at a college education, different jobs he held, his marriage, and his different stations and frequent transfers during his service in the West Virginia State Police.

Product Details

Publish America
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.46(d)

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