Monomania - The Autobiography of Tom Dory

Monomania - The Autobiography of Tom Dory

4.0 1
by Tim Dunn

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One day Tom decides to document his life story. During various stages of his life Tom is troubled by dreams of people that are forbidden from traveling to 'the other side' and he becomes suspicious of their purpose. Tom often wakes up from his dreams wondering if he is merely existing in a reflection of reality. Something is happening to Tom that he doesn't understand… See more details below


One day Tom decides to document his life story. During various stages of his life Tom is troubled by dreams of people that are forbidden from traveling to 'the other side' and he becomes suspicious of their purpose. Tom often wakes up from his dreams wondering if he is merely existing in a reflection of reality. Something is happening to Tom that he doesn't understand. He is drifting through a spiritual journey of abstract multidimensional impressions. Obsessed by a single passion, he pursues answers in his dream world, traveling on an adventure of the inner mind and not stopping until he understands and discovers his destination.

Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.25(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.50(d)

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