In a Fisherman's Language: An Autobiography by Captain James Arruda Henry

In a Fisherman's Language: An Autobiography by Captain James Arruda Henry

by James Arruda Henry

Recently Featured in People Magazine and on CNN.

James Arruda Henry was in his mid-nineties when he began to learn to read and write. For over nine decades he had lived successfully without being able to sign his own name. Inspired by a book written by a 98 year old man who had also lived without literacy, James began quietly practicing his own signature at the

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Recently Featured in People Magazine and on CNN.

James Arruda Henry was in his mid-nineties when he began to learn to read and write. For over nine decades he had lived successfully without being able to sign his own name. Inspired by a book written by a 98 year old man who had also lived without literacy, James began quietly practicing his own signature at the dining room table and went on to hand write his first book. From his earliest recollections of his grandfather's farm in the Azores to a snippet of his daily life today, James shows how a life powered by commitment, hard work and determination can redefine a person at any age.

Product Details

Fisherman's Language LLC
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5.90(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.30(d)

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