The Biography and Autobiography of Sherlock Holmes: Being a one volume, two book edition of My Brother, Sherlock and Montague Notations

The Biography and Autobiography of Sherlock Holmes: Being a one volume, two book edition of My Brother, Sherlock and Montague Notations

by Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes

A one volume, two book edition of My Brother, Sherlock, the biography of Sherlock Holmes by his brother, Mycroft Holmes, and Montague Notations, the autobiography by Sherlock Holmes.

Discovered in 2008 and 2012, these two books are among the most astounding literary finds of all time. Now, for the first time in print together, here are the incredible revelations of

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A one volume, two book edition of My Brother, Sherlock, the biography of Sherlock Holmes by his brother, Mycroft Holmes, and Montague Notations, the autobiography by Sherlock Holmes.

Discovered in 2008 and 2012, these two books are among the most astounding literary finds of all time. Now, for the first time in print together, here are the incredible revelations of many of the timeless questions surrounding the life of Sherlock Holmes and his brother, Mycroft, in their own words. The Game is Truly Afoot!

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.55(d)

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