The Unbelonger : The Autobiography of a Half-Jewish Girl in Hitler's Berlin

The Unbelonger : The Autobiography of a Half-Jewish Girl in Hitler's Berlin

by Ellen Ubelaker, Brian Wynn

Everything changes for a young schoolgirl in Berlin when Hitler and the Nazis come to power. It suddenly becomes vitally important that her father is Jewish and her mother is Catholic. Religious identity becomes a matter of life and death, and the question is asked: is she Jewish or Christian? In fact, is she even German?See more details below


Everything changes for a young schoolgirl in Berlin when Hitler and the Nazis come to power. It suddenly becomes vitally important that her father is Jewish and her mother is Catholic. Religious identity becomes a matter of life and death, and the question is asked: is she Jewish or Christian? In fact, is she even German?

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Australian eBook Publisher
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4 MB

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